Dragonas Talk

Reviews on anime, books, movies, and more!

Game Reviews

Movie Review: The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Hello, fellow fans of all things fantastical and animated! Today, I’m thrilled to dive into the enchanting world of the Super Mario Bros. Movie, a delightful journey that recently found its way to my screen through the streaming platform Peacock. As someone whose only brush with the Mario universe has been through the exhilarating races…

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Day 27: Fire Emblem Engage

Paralogue: The Caring Princess This particular map belongs to Celica, and I decided to tackle it with a team comprised of the older siblings. Now, I wasn’t entirely sure which of the twins was older, but I went with Clanne. More often there is a big brother than sister in games/anime. The map presented a…

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Day 26: Fire Emblem Engage

The Story Thus Far Well, more DLC dropped since the last time I played. There’s apparently a new Xenologue or something but I couldn’t find it. The wording made it seem like we’re getting new characters, not rings (thank you!), so I’m looking forward to seeing what new whacky character(s) we get. The third image…

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Persona 5: My Introduction to the Persona Franchise

I kept hearing the name Persona 5 pop up a lot all over the internet and the more I investigated this game the more I wanted to play it, so I did. I had never played a Persona or Shin Megami Tensei game ever so this was my first experience to the franchise. Note that this was originally…

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Day 25: Fire Emblem Engage

The Story Thus Far While I was replaying Three Houses for the umpteenth time, more DLC dropped. Not much was added this round, but one of the paralogues was the most fun I’ve had on a map to date. The well weapon trading system thing is going to be forgotten to me I can guarantee…

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